Omission Policy
School of Play work with children, parents, and other role models to ensure the safety of children and protect them from harm and provide the best service possible for every individual.
Our aim is for the children to make memories whilst staying safe. Below is our omission policy, this outlines what your child may be sent home for and depending on the circumstances we may have to stop them from attending the setting for a while.
Omitting a child is something we avoid doing if possible, however, in certain situations, it is something we must do to ensure the safety and well-being of everyone at our settings/camp.
Physical Harm
If a child causes physical harm to themselves, other children or a team member, we will have to call the parent/ guardian and ask for the child to be collected immediately. Following a parental/guardian discussion and assurances regarding future behaviour, your child will be allowed to return to their next planned session. However, if an incident occurs again within three months, we will have to reassess if we can offer our service to your child in the future.
3.53. Providers are responsible for managing children’s behaviour in an appropriate way.
Verbal Abuse
At School of Play verbal abuse will not be tolerated. If we feel your child has verbally abused somebody with inappropriate language, we will give them a second chance, if it happens again during that visit, you will be asked to collect your child.
If your child makes derogatory name-calling, insults or racial comments to another child or team member, we will ask you to collect your child immediately. We will then call a formal discussion with parents/guardians, to discuss the incident and assess whether a permanent exclusion is required.
If your child requires a nap in the afternoon, unfortunately, we cannot have them in our care.
As stated in the EYFS:
“3.60. Sleeping children must be frequently checked to ensure that they are safe 60. Being safe includes ensuring that cots/bedding are in good condition and suited to the age of the child and that infants are placed down to sleep safely in line with the latest government safety guidance 61. Except in childminding settings, there should be a separate baby room for children under the age of two. However, providers must ensure that children in a baby room have contact with older children and are moved into the older age group when appropriate”.
As soon as a child is asleep in our setting, they require 121 supervision, and this is not something we can provide. If it is very out of character for your child to nap in the day (they may be poorly) we will allow a second visit, if this happens on a second occasion, we will have to freeze bookings until the daytime nap is no longer required.
For further NHS advice on the safety of sleeping children, please see the link below –
Toilet Training
To attend School of Play your child must be completely toilet trained. If your child has two or more accidents, we will ask for them to be collected. If we need to remind your child to go to the toilet regularly or require a member of our team to physically support them (lift them or hold them over the toilet), we withhold the right to deem them as not toilet trained.
In this case, we will ask you to collect your child and we will freeze future bookings until your child is fully toilet trained. If your child has a medical condition that may affect their ability to be toilet trained, this will be taken into consideration
If any other incidents not specifically mentioned above occur and we deem it necessary, your child will be sent home and potentially excluded from future visits after a formal discussion has been held with parents/carers.
School of Play Behaviour Management Co-ordinator is: Ashlea Brewin
Date updated: 11th October 2024
Written by: Ashlea Brewin
Reviewed by: Ryan Harris
Review annually or when there is a change in legislation.